Thursday, January 13, 2011


          As I was trying to get my creative juices flowing, I pondered the word CREATE...
We were all created by a loving Father in Heaven.  He wanted us to become like him and so he gave us the ability, the power to create.  What does it mean to create? The dictionary on my bookshelf states: 1 to cause to come into existence; make; originate 2 to bring about; give rise to; cause. With this definition, to create is more than just art. What a magnificent gift this can be in our lives. What are we choosing to create?  We can't always control the circumstances that are created, but we can choose to create the attitude in which to face hard trials. We have the power to create joy, quality time, attributes, crafts, life, feelings, talents, attitudes, etc.   There are many things we can create with this power we've been given.  It is our choice. I feel it a privilege and a responsibility.  When we exercise our agency to create good things, we learn and become more like our Father in Heaven.  We draw closer to God and can feel and see him more in our lives. Here is a short message about the ability to CREATE!  I found it very inspiring!  Enjoy!

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